Friday, April 3, 2009

Our adventure registering for gifts!

So i'm not sure which lady gave James the scan gun....big mistake! Lol. At least he was in the right section! HOME goods! :)

Ok mister, you better behave! Got it?

He really was having a fun time. Don't let this picture fool ya! HaHaHa

But it was definitly exhausting. Poor guy was ready for a nap by the end, so he took a seat in the garden section for a quick snooze

Bridesmaid Dresses

Last weekend some of my wonderful Bridesmaids came over to try on their dresses. Just so we could get a feel for them & go over the details. Ignore the pigtails. I had been cleaning all day & wasn't expecting a photo opp! Lol

Erika & " Trish the Dish" Don't they look cute!
All the girls will be wearing these black Audrey Hepburn-ish dresses ( they even have adorable pockets on the side) with a honeydew sash that will match the men's tie. It will look great and James was the one who picked the colors! :)

Kalesha & my sister Kassie
They tried them on with black heels....we're still deciding on the style.